Biolightin menestyviä käyttäjiä

“If my horse is sore or feels stiff, then we use Biolight. More than anything, I notice that the horses relax and enjoy Biolight's wonderful effects.”
Patrik Kittel
World-class rider in dressage

“I attach great importance to the needs of animals for quick healing and less pain. I am therefore very pleased to be one of the first veterinarians in the country to work with Biolight.”
Susanne Demmers
Reg. Vet. Med. Lic University Vet. Clinic at SLU

“I am very satisfied with Biolight. We use it daily, mostly on sore backs and sensitive joints, to prepare the horses for a race and to help them recuperate afterwords.”
Jean-Michel Bazire
International Trotting Champion

“It is very easy to use and has grown incredibly popular with our grooms. We had two machines to start off with but now we have ten of them as everyone wants to use them.”
Stig H Johansson
Dominant in trotting